Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance; Change your working career before someone tells you

I admire George Baker, the Secretary of States in the former President, George Herbert Walker Bush’s administration,wrote a book named “The Politics of Diplomacy”. In the book, he emphasized importance of “5p”;Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance,which I believe very important for us all as well to be well prepared for the long term planning in our life.
We prepare for tomorrow’s exam or meeting but seldom do so for the unknown future such as 5 years or 10 years from now.
Recently, I received several e-mails from former colleagues in mid-50s that they accepted early retirement (probably reluctantly). Some of them say “I will be back in my hometown and think of my future life carefully”. Knowing this is none of my business, I feel if they were well prepared for their unknown future against bad weathers,they might not need to go back reluctantly with no job.
Over 30 years ago when I was a green boy,workplace atmosphere in the traditional Japanese big manufacturing companies had been idyllically calm; general managers and senior managers spend time reading newspapers, enjoy small talk, and once in a while do their own work(they surely made great contributions in decision making for critical issues).
It was the time when “Three Imperial Regalia,Sansyu-no-Jingi” of the Japanese big companies- “Life Time Employment”(more precisely, Long Term Employment), “Seniority System”, “In-house Labor Union”)-functioned effectively to attract, develop and retain talented people.
Times have changed.
Now, there are not many Japanese big companies which still can continue the above system in its complete form.
Nearly five years have passed since I joined an European capital medical device company as HR head after the disaster of three thousand head count reduction in the previous company; I jumped over into a small but robust boat( the name of which I didn’t know then) from“Titanic”.
Getting back to my colleagues then, I wonder how many of them ever created their resumes in their past working life.They may have come to their age with an illusion once they join a big company they gained job security until the end- mandatory retirement age, 60.
Some non-Japanese consultants say this is an “issue” of negative side of Japanese big firms system.
Although, lump-sum retirement benefit system which is advantageous for over 50s, the rotation practice etc. surely ensured the long years of service, I think it is one’s own matter on how to design one’s own working career. We cannot survive unless we always make self-assessment and fine-tuning for our aptitude, ability and experience to meet labor market requirements.
  It may be better, though, to changeyour working career by yourself than just to wait for someone to tell you.
パパブッシュが米国大統領時代に国務長官を務めたジェームズ・A・ベーカーという人がおり、「外交(ThePolitics of Diplomacy)」という本を出した。 その中に、「事前に十分に準備しておけば、悪い結果にはならない」というくだりがあり、英語では5Pと言っている。 “Prior Preparation Prevents PoorPerformance”の頭文字をとったものだが、これは、人生計画にも大いに役立つ考え方だと思っている。今日、明日にやらなければ ならないことについては誰もが最低限の準備をするものだが、5年後、10年後にあるかもしれないことを予期して日頃から備えておくことは少ない。が、重要なことである。